Photoshop Year 2

What I was supposed to doWhat I got done

Favorite Things Project

Shoot a minimum of 30 images.

- From those 30+, select your Best 24.

- Create a folder to place images in (No Editing).

- Create a digital Contact Sheet (See directions).

- Select the Best Image that represents your idea for the project.

- You can make adjustments for Color and/or exposure

Submit the Contact and Best Image here.

Contact Sheet

Favorite Photo

50 Photo Project

Upload images from Project 2 - 50 Photo Projects.

- Create folder.

- Place a minimum of 24 images in a folder.

- Make Contact Sheet.

- Select Best Image (edit if necessary).

- Name it with the project of your choice.

- Submit the Contact Sheet and Best Image

- Deadline is Wednesday 09/25/19

Contact Sheet

Favorite Photo

The Portrait Project

Project 3 - The Portrait.

- Your portrait will be of a person.

- Shots you will need (all 4 situations).

- Full-Length Portrait (Head to Toe).

- Medium Shot (from mid Thigh to top of Head).

- Close Up Shot (from Mid Chest to top of Head).

- Extreme Close-Up (the Head Shot).

- Minimum of 24 Images.

- Remember the Guidelines of Composition and the use of Flash.

- Images due Monday, Finish and hand in by Wednesday.

- Do not forget to edit your Best Image if you feel it needs a little help.

- Submit a Contact Sheet and Best Image.

Contact Sheet

Favorite Photo

Photographers Choice

- You select the subject matter for your photographic images (single focus).

- You select the Guideline of Composition.

- Shoot a minimum of 24 images.

- Write 3 - 5 paragraphs describing your work and its purpose.

- Use photographic and composition vocabulary in your writing.

Make Contact Sheet.

Select Best Image.

(I chose simplicity as my subject matter).

Photoshop Image Assembly


- Color correction, scaling, layer blend modes, layers, m copy, and paste.

- See the example attached.

- Use supplied files.

- See attachments.

Original Photos
Final Photo

Photoshop Lesson 1 "Getting Started"

- Follow along with the supplied lesson (Reading Comprehension/Following Directions).

- Use supplied lesson image files (attached in Daily Objectives).

- Submit in this assignment (file management).

- Total lesson time - Maximum of 1 hour


Basic Image Correction

- Follow along with the supplied lesson (Reading Comprehension/Following Directions).

- Use supplied lesson image files (attached in Daily Objectives).

- Submit in this assignment (file management).







Working With Selections

- Follow along with the supplied lesson (Reading Comprehension/Following Directions).

- Use supplied lesson image files (attached in Daily Objectives).

- Submit in this assignment (file management).


Corrected/Manipulated Images

Using the skills you have acquired analyze and correct/complete the following images.

- Determine the corrective measures needed and the correct image.

- Create a "Meld" of two images (follow attached directions).

- Assemble Mr. Mellon Head from "Parts Image" to look like the finished image.

- What you did to correct issues (tools, drop down windows, features and/or filters, etc).

- Place all images and narration in ICA 05 Assignment.

Original Wedding Photos
Color Corrected Wedding Photos
Original Face Meld
Face Meld Result
Original Hand Coloring
Hand Coloring Result
Original Melon Head Parts
Melon Head Results


I've learned a lot this marking period. About how to take a good photo, how to make not so good photo better, combining them, melding photos, and how to color-shift photos.


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