Animation Year 2

What I was supposed to doWhat I got done

Stop Motion

1. Create an “illusion” of animation from individual frames using pictures.

2. There should be some element that tells a story about something that could not happen in real life.

3. Submission.

4. Planning submitted.

5. Contact sheet showing 50 frames saved as a .PDF and uploaded to the classroom.

6. .PSD file saved and uploaded.

7. Exported as H.264, uploaded to YouTube and link uploaded to the classroom

1. Document Size 1920 x 1080

2. Duration 3 seconds

3. Trace 4 parts of the body (2 sleeves, chest, pants)

4. Make a new layer and fill with any color

5. Place pattern image above each body part layer

6. Create a clipping mask from the pattern layer

7. Open video timeline and animate (transform) the pattern from 0-5 sec.

8. Save for web and devices as .GIF

6 Sounds Project

1. Title: Provides foreshadowing and your name

2. Text: Describe the Setting(the character and visualize where it is), the conflict and resolution/lesson

3. Voice-over: Reads the text on each slide

4. Pictures: On EVERY slide.. compliments what is being said

5. Sound effects: played at the appropriate time

6. Background music: plays throughout the entire presentation, volume lowered to hear voice-over and sound effects

7. Animations applied to all text/images

8. Credits: Name, Source of Music, DVC logo

Motivational Poster

1. Human form

2. Inanimate object - references healthy characteristics (food, sleep, exercise, brain, etc.) 

3. Background color/texture

4. Title - "How to be Healthy"

5. Your Name 


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